New Letter & Principals Connection
Aloha KMS Families! Here you will find issues of our current and past newsletters. Please check back for current events and activities that are happening at our school!
The most current Newsletters and Principal's Connection are linked below. To access past Newsletters, search the archive folders in the right column menu.
Please reference Kauai Public Schools' current plans and COVID guidance at this Link.
Reference the Hawaii Department of Education's most current safety Guidelines at this Link.
Principal’s Connection
Aloha Kapa'a Middle School Ohana!
Thank you for joining us for another exciting school year! We have a lot of fun things in store.
I hope everyone had a fun if not relaxing summer break. We certainly had an exciting start to the school year keeping everyone safe on Kaua’i. The school was very busy if you didn’t have a chance to stop by during the summer. This year the school will continue developing a deeper focus on Nā Hopena A’o, a strengthened sense of HĀ - BREATH (Belonging, Relationships, Excellence, Aloha, Total Well-being and Hawaii). All very important values to live by. You can learn about it by watching this short but excellent video describing the Nā Hopena A’o - HĀ framework for the State of Hawaii.
Nā Hopena A’o Video:
Some important communication tools:
Be sure you have joined our Kapa'a Middle School Remind App group. You will then receive all emergency, as well as, general text and voice message alerts from the school office and can communicate directly with me when needed. Download the Remind App and use the code “@kpmsohana”.
Interested in having a say in important school issues? We are looking for members to become active in our School Community Council (SCC) and/or Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA). Let your child's teacher know, or stop by the office to see me personally if you’re interested. We are so grateful for all the parents and community members who help us out.
Finally, as always, please remember the simple things assist the school the most… Feed your child well both their body and their mind, let them rest, let them play, and most of all enjoy your time with them caring for them deeply and building them up as a strong human being and productive member of our special island community.
I am reminded every day how important it is to remain engaged with my own children's education and life. Take the time to know what your child's homework is, communicate with your child's teacher regularly, so you are not surprised when the time comes to learn about their performance.
We are here to help. Enjoy your school year!
Paul Zina